Injection into Shoulder Joint as a Treatment

Shoulder pain can be caused by a variety of reasons, most notably from the structure of the shoulder itself, such as Rotator Cuff injury, bone injury, cartilage injury, tendon injury, tendon inflammation, tendon sheath inflammation, or bone growth depressing the tendon.


Treatment usually starts with antibiotics and pain medication. Physical therapy may be prescribed if the patient has Rotator Cuff problems. If the symptoms persist, the physician may recommend antibiotic injection into the shoulder joint which will help alleviate inflammation and pain and increase mobility.

Benefits of Shoulder Joint Injection

1. Alleviate inflammation faster than taking oral medication.
2. Patients with other chronic illnesses and have been taking antibiotics for a long period of time can elect to be administered an injection to prevent a build-up of chemicals in their bodies from the antibiotics.
3. Directly brings medication to the affected area.

Chelation Therapy to Alleviate Pain

EDTA Chelation Therapy uses EDTA as a chelator to rid the body of heavy metals to prevent a build-up of heavy metals in the long-run. Once EDTA hits the bloodstream, it can also address abnormalities associated to Collagen Vascular Disease. EDTA will move through tissue through fluid outside the cells and bind with any heavy metals from the cells without them being absorbed back into the cell again. Post the procedure, clotting is temporarily slowed so antibodies cannot form and C-AMP goes into overdrive. The heavy metals are then oxidized and all the enzymes work more efficiently. Cells also work better so any inflammation and swelling in the body decreases.

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