Why is back pain often chronic?

Back pain can be caused by bad postures in daily behaviors such as standing, sitting, sleeping, injuries from playing sports, or degenerative spine due to old age.

Most common causes of back pain

Back pain or back injury most often occurs in two areas

1. Pain in the lower back around the waist

Pain can be felt around the waist upward, either on one or both sides. Minor cases will feel like aches but severe cases will feel pain all the time and may involve cramping of the back muscles resulting in a tilted walk. Pain is caused by the cramping of the back muscles or a tear in the back muscles when the body twists suddenly during sports.

1.1 First aid and treatment

When you feel back pain, stop what you were doing and put ice compresses in the area for 10-20 minutes. Take pain medication but if it does not go away in three days, take antibiotics and muscle relaxants for 1-3 weeks. This can also be accompanied by physical therapy, heat therapy, or ultrasound therapy. The symptoms should be alleviated in three weeks after which your physician may prescribe exercises to strengthen the back muscles. If the patient does not completely rest during the treatment, the pain may become chronic and it may take longer to heal.

1.2 How to prevent lower back pain

Lower back pain can be prevented by not exercising or playing sports on uneven ground or on slopes as it would cause the back to have to be twisted. Do carry out exercises to strengthen your back muscles.

2. Pain around the sacrum

Pain around the sacrum is another common ailment among the elderly but this pain does not spread to other areas with movement or twisting of the back. Severe cases will feel pain all the time and the most common cause is a degeneration of the spine which connects to the pelvic bone as that area sees constant movement when the body moves.

2.1 First aid and treatment

If you feel pain while exercising, stop what you are doing and put a cold compress in the area for 10 minutes. Take pain medication and if the symptom does not alleviate in three days, take antibiotics and undergo physical therapy. Once the symptom is alleviated, do back muscle exercises to strengthen your back.

2.2 How to prevent pain around the sacrum

The process to prevent sacrum pain is similar to taking care of your lower back. The elderly should do a little bit of stretching of the back muscle before exercising.

S-Spine and Nerve Hospital offers innovative and advanced technology treatments as well as a team of experienced medical professionals to treat your pain at the cause for a safe and successful treatment which cuts down on your recovery time. Make your pain go away without having to resort to surgery.

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